Digestive System Dictionary

1. Tastants: Receptors (bitter & sweet) or ion channels (salty & sour).

The hydrogen ion tastant is stimulated by a sour apple candy and may cause a person to create unpleasant facial expressions.
Image result for tastants

2. Dental Pulp: The central region of the tooth that is highly innervated and vascularized. The Dental pulp contains cells such as odontoblasts, fibroblasts, and macrophages.

As a person increases in age, the dental pulp decreases in size.

3. Peridontium: Is a supporting ligament that that attaches the teeth to bone

While chewing the delicious haystacks in the cafeteria, the peridontium distributes the forces of chewing. This tissue also allows the teeth to move in the socket as the chips are masticated.


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